Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 8- Planned for God's Pleasure...

Point to ponder- I was planned for God's pleasure.

Verse to remember- The Lord takes pleasure in his people. (Psalm 149:4a)

Question to consider- What common task ocould I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?

This question brings Mary and Martha to mind. Mary was at Jesus' feet, while Martha was in the kitchen busily preparing for him. I need to be more like Martha at times. If I cleaned, and kept my little condo upkept as if Jesus lived there, it would NEVER get messy! If I drove as if I were carrying Jesus in the passenger seat, would I speed? Absolutly not! If I knew it were Jesus that I were meeting for lunch or anything else, would I run late? Nope! Why is it that we give the best to Jesus, but not to ourselves? Aren't we a living breathing vessel of Christ?

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