Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 12- Developing your Friendship with God

Point to Ponder- I'm as close to God as I choose to be.

Verse to Remember- "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." (James 4:8a)

Question to Consider- What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to God?

As I sit on the floor of my bedroom, looking out the window, I'm amazed at God's (I don't know the word I'm looking for...kindness maybe?) He is you know that? Do you know how amazing He truly is??? What can happen in your life when you hand everything, and I mean EVERYTHING over to him?

I'm going to give you "Purpose Driven Life" in a nutshell:

1. Trust God
2. Hand everything over to Him

When you do those two things, I'm thinking things will start falling into place for you. And when I say hand everything over, I don't mean give to Him for a week, and then when you're not happy with the timing or the outcome, take it back. God sees a much bigger picture than we do.

Ok, so back to the question (sorry, I just felt led to say all that)...what practical choices can I make to grow closer to God. Pray. there's my answer. Pray about thanksgiving for the things He has given me. The opportunities, the parking spaces and the kind words. Yeah, the little things...and the big things too...the peace I've been given first and foremost, and many other things, that will not be written on this lil blog o' mine :-)

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