Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 5- Seeing Life from God's View...

Point to ponder- Life is a test and a trust.

Verse to remember - "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." (Luke 16:10a)

Question to consider: What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God? What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me?

3 tests....love, life, and money in the past year.

The test of love...happened almost a year ago...and I'm not sure if I passed or failed that test. On one hand, I'd say I passed. For the first time, I loved unconditionally...or at least attempted it, and gave of myself 110% without reservation, despite the obstacles before me. On the other hand, I'd say I failed miserabley...I'm not with that love anymore...I gave of myself 110% for someone who was ALMOST everything I wanted. I settled for 2nd best. I gave in to the notion of "what if this is it for me" instead of holding out for God's best for me. I let this love affect me for months after it left me, and it obviously still affects me...

The test of life...happens every day. Still not sure if I'm passing or failing this one. Life in general is great right now. I have a roof over my head, a family who loves me, friends who are awesome, a great job, a great part time job, a faith that's slowly coming back, clothes on my back, food in my fridge, and a car that runs but is in the shop at the moment, money in the bank...I think I'm passing the test of life, but there are times that I doubt myself. Part of me wonders if I'm living God's will...I mean, I think I am, but there are always those doubts. I have the gift of listening, and working with kids, and that's what I do each and every day...so yeah, I think I'm passing this one...

The test of money...one of God's hardest tests. In the past, I haven't managed my money well. This goes back to wanting more than what I have. Let's face it: I have champagne taste on a koolaide budget...but I'm slowly but surely trying to live within my means now. Getting myself back on track, finally have a little money saved up, and trying to spend so much. Heck, I haven't taken a vacation in YEARS because I just don't have the cash for it, and I refuse to charge it if I don't have teh cash for it! Of course, there are some things that just have to be charged, like my tires the other day...but for the most part, I think I'm starting to pass this test.

What's the test that I have yet to pass? Yeah, organization...I've got to get myself in check on this. Nuff said. It starts tomorrow...it has too!

The most recent test though has to be my car. It may sound superficial to you, but not having a car is always a test for me, because then I have to depend on others to get around, and if you know me, i HATE to depend or rely on others. I HATE to ask for help...I get that independence from my mother (thank you so much for that!), and I'm not complaining...but, I've got to start accepting help when it's offered, and learning to recognize when I'm way over my head and need help. There's no shame in asking for help, and I've got to start doing that. That's one test that I'm definetly failing...

The greatest matters God has entrusted to me??? My family and my friends I think...and my students. Knowing what they go through each and every day, and trying my hardest to be that positive light in their lives. Trying my hardest to be a smile for everyone, even when I'm not smiling on the inside or out. God has entrusted the hearts of everyone I love to me, and I cherish them, and hold them very near and dear to my heart. I pray that I haven't hurt any of those hearts that are entrusted to me. And if I have, for that I am truly sorry.

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