Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 7- The Reason for Everything...

Point to Ponder- It's all for him.

Verse to Remember- "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." (Romans 11:36)

Question to consider- Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?

I think one of my biggest problems is that I am constantly going. From the time I wake up, to the time I lay down, I'm on the go. Whether it's to job #1 or job #2, lunch/dinner/drinks with friends, a movie, a running session with GCRC, I'm on the go. Yes, there are many times that I just veg out on the couch, but for the most part I'm on the go. And in being constantly busy, I don't do what I should to be aware of God's glory. For example, even though I wake up to KSBJ and I listen on my way to work, I don't take the time each morning to pray. I've done it now for almost 7 days (the last few days I didn't get my readings in until the end of the day), and starting my day in prayer seems to get me centered for my day. I'm a little bit calmer, a little less stressed, and a little more focused. I know I'm not ready for a bible study every morning, but a little time in prayer, I think, can go a long way.

And then throughout my day, I can recognize the little successes that life gives us every day as God's glory. I know people think that somethings are just coincidences, but are they really? Could it be that God is orchestrating our days for us to show us that He's here? I think so...and maybe if I just start recognizing those things, I'll feel a little closer to God.

This week, although a tad superficial because it just dealt with my car, tested me. Control is a HUGE issue for me, and I'm working on it, but this week has taught me that it's ok to give up control and let others take care of me. Not everyone has a negative ulterior motive. I'm so used to taking care of myself, that to give that up and let someone else do it seems foriegn to me, but I do promise to work on it!

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