Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 16- What Matters Most...

Point to Ponder- Life is all about love.

Verse to Remember- "The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " (Galatians 5:14)

Question to Consider- Honestly, are relationships my first priority? How can I ensure they are?

This is a fabulous question for me considering the relationships I have in my life at this exact moment...Relationship with my family- check...I love them with all my heart, and they are my absolute priority...Relationship with friends...well, it depends on who we're talking about. I have some friends that I'd drop everything for if they needed me...and I have others who would drop
everything for me (even though I might not do the same for them). There are some relationships that in my own opionion are a lot more trouble than they're worth. God commands me to love others as I love myself, but how the heck am I supposed to do that when they make it soooo hard? How am I to love those that judge me, or use their past experiences to hate or dislike me (even when I have nothing to do with those past experiences?) Do I STILL love them as I love myself? Is that the cross that I must bear? Seriously? By far one of the hardest things for me to do is to treat someone else with respect when they don't offer the same respect for me.

So, some relationships are a definite priority with me (God, family, some friends), and others, quite frankly, take a back burner...I'm working on it though...

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