Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 14- When God Seems Distant...

Point to Ponder- God is real, no matter how I feel.

Verse to Remember- "For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.' " (Hebrews 13:5)

Question to Consider- How can I stay focused on God's presense, especially when he feels distant?

Well, if this hasn't been the past year of my life, I just don't know! The past year has been crazy. If you've been a reader of my blogs, the constant theme has been faith, or lack thereof. But even when I felt like I was at my lowest, I always seemed to find myself back at church. No, my heart wasn't in it. No, I wasn't praying. Yes, I was FURIOUS at God. But even at my worst, I was still His. Even when I hated myself, He was still there. Even though I turned my back on Him, He still loved me and welcomed me back with open arms.

To totally surrender to God, to just put it all out there: the anger, the hurt, the selfishness, all of cry out to him and say Lord, I MESSED UP! Lord, Where are you??? It's not that He's not there. It's like that "Footprints" poem. Even though we don't see a second set of footprints, doesn't mean he abandoned us. He's carrying us. Just the mere fact that we're looking for his footprints means we haven't lost complete faith!

God will never abandon you or me. He gave up HIS SON so that we could have life. A priest recently told me to just look at the crucifix and remember why Christ was up there. Remember what he went through so that I could live. I encourage you to do that as well. Look at ALL he went through just for you...

Think about it!

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