Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 16- What Matters Most...

Point to Ponder- Life is all about love.

Verse to Remember- "The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " (Galatians 5:14)

Question to Consider- Honestly, are relationships my first priority? How can I ensure they are?

This is a fabulous question for me considering the relationships I have in my life at this exact moment...Relationship with my family- check...I love them with all my heart, and they are my absolute priority...Relationship with friends...well, it depends on who we're talking about. I have some friends that I'd drop everything for if they needed me...and I have others who would drop
everything for me (even though I might not do the same for them). There are some relationships that in my own opionion are a lot more trouble than they're worth. God commands me to love others as I love myself, but how the heck am I supposed to do that when they make it soooo hard? How am I to love those that judge me, or use their past experiences to hate or dislike me (even when I have nothing to do with those past experiences?) Do I STILL love them as I love myself? Is that the cross that I must bear? Seriously? By far one of the hardest things for me to do is to treat someone else with respect when they don't offer the same respect for me.

So, some relationships are a definite priority with me (God, family, some friends), and others, quite frankly, take a back burner...I'm working on it though...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Day 15- Formed for God's Family

Point to Ponder- I was formed for God's family.

Verse to Remember- "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 1:5a)

Question to Consider- How can I start treating other believers like members of my own family?

Ok...I've been reading this question over and over again for a couple of days now. I understand it, but something just hasn't been sitting right with me. And then I figured it out. Shouldn't the question be "How can I start treat other believers and non-believers like members of my own family?"

Maybe I'm wrong, but if I just treated believers like my own family, then I wouldn't be loving like Christ loved us...everyone...even those who didn't love themselves. Isn't that what we are called to do?

I love my family with my whole heart. Ask anyone. I'd give you the shirt off my back if you needed it. I don't ask for anything in return. I love and help because I want to, not because I have to. I think that's one of the reasons I became a school counselor, because I want to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.

Unfortunately, although I'm decent at standing up for the little people, I'm not so good with adults. I find myself getting caught up in gossip. I wouldn't want anyone speaking about my family in an ill manner, so I know in my heart I shouldn't get caught up in gossip. This is something I need to work on! Please pray for me on this!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 14- When God Seems Distant...

Point to Ponder- God is real, no matter how I feel.

Verse to Remember- "For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.' " (Hebrews 13:5)

Question to Consider- How can I stay focused on God's presense, especially when he feels distant?

Well, if this hasn't been the past year of my life, I just don't know! The past year has been crazy. If you've been a reader of my blogs, the constant theme has been faith, or lack thereof. But even when I felt like I was at my lowest, I always seemed to find myself back at church. No, my heart wasn't in it. No, I wasn't praying. Yes, I was FURIOUS at God. But even at my worst, I was still His. Even when I hated myself, He was still there. Even though I turned my back on Him, He still loved me and welcomed me back with open arms.

To totally surrender to God, to just put it all out there: the anger, the hurt, the selfishness, all of cry out to him and say Lord, I MESSED UP! Lord, Where are you??? It's not that He's not there. It's like that "Footprints" poem. Even though we don't see a second set of footprints, doesn't mean he abandoned us. He's carrying us. Just the mere fact that we're looking for his footprints means we haven't lost complete faith!

God will never abandon you or me. He gave up HIS SON so that we could have life. A priest recently told me to just look at the crucifix and remember why Christ was up there. Remember what he went through so that I could live. I encourage you to do that as well. Look at ALL he went through just for you...

Think about it!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 13- Worship that Pleases God

Point to Ponder- God wants all of me.

Verse to Remember- "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30)

Question to Consider: Which is more pleasing to God right now- my public worship or my private worship? What will I do about this?

I really don't know, because I'm not good at either. I'm still working on "crying" the gospel like St. Francis says (Cry the gospel, if necessary, use words.), but I don't know that I do a very good job at it. I go to Mass, but for a while, my heart wasn't in it. I'm trying now though. I know that I can never be perfect, but I do strive to be a living, breathing vessel of Christ. I know my actions may not always show it though. I get caught up in petty gossip, or inappropriate conversations. A priest once told me that there are some things that are just human nature, that you can't necessarily control, but once those thoughts/actions creep in and you realize it, the sin is continuing on in that thought/action, rather than ending it there.

I'll say this. I don't think that in order to be a good Christian one should listen to ONLY Christian music, or only hang out with Christian people. I think worship comes in daily activities; in EVERYTHNG we do. Holding the door open for people, helping those in need, standing up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Being around the "lepers" of our society and loving them for who they are...not just being there for a "service" project. Doing things because you genuinly want to, not just because it's the "right" thing to do.

Worship happens all day and night long. In your conversations, in the very words that escape your mouth, in your thoughts, in your no, I don't do a very good job at worshipping God. I know some of you may strongly disagree with that, but I don't. I will say that I'm getting better though.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 12- Developing your Friendship with God

Point to Ponder- I'm as close to God as I choose to be.

Verse to Remember- "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." (James 4:8a)

Question to Consider- What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to God?

As I sit on the floor of my bedroom, looking out the window, I'm amazed at God's (I don't know the word I'm looking for...kindness maybe?) He is you know that? Do you know how amazing He truly is??? What can happen in your life when you hand everything, and I mean EVERYTHING over to him?

I'm going to give you "Purpose Driven Life" in a nutshell:

1. Trust God
2. Hand everything over to Him

When you do those two things, I'm thinking things will start falling into place for you. And when I say hand everything over, I don't mean give to Him for a week, and then when you're not happy with the timing or the outcome, take it back. God sees a much bigger picture than we do.

Ok, so back to the question (sorry, I just felt led to say all that)...what practical choices can I make to grow closer to God. Pray. there's my answer. Pray about thanksgiving for the things He has given me. The opportunities, the parking spaces and the kind words. Yeah, the little things...and the big things too...the peace I've been given first and foremost, and many other things, that will not be written on this lil blog o' mine :-)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 11- Becoming Best Friends with God

Point to Ponder- God wants to be my best friend.

Verse to Remember- "Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him." ( Psalm 23:14)

Question to Consider- What can I do to remind myself to think abouut God and talk to him more often throught the day?

I have a best friend...actually, a few best friends. They know me better than I know myself sometimes. They call me on my crap when I mess up, and seem to expect more out of me than what I expect of myself sometimes (usually I'm just being lazy, but they know better).

But, be BFF's with him. This is not something that just happens. Just as in any relationship, it takes time to trust. That doesn't JUST happen. One has to continually talk and give of oneself. Pray without ceasing...right? Pray as if God is right there with you at all times. Aren't we called to see Jesus in everyone we come across and everything we do? So, when I'm driving, I should drive as if Jesus is in the passenger seat (although in the journey of life, he is soooo in the driver's seat, and I'm sitting shotgun )

When we constantly talk to God, and thank him for the little things, talking to him about the big things gets a little easier. Becoming BFF's with God will obviously take some time. But look at what He did for us... I think giving him my time is pretty small in comparison to that...don't you?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 10- The Heart of Worship...

Point to Ponder- The heart of worship is surrender.

Verse to Remember- "Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes." (Romans 6:13b)

Question to Consider- What area of my life am I holding back from God?

The resounding answer to this question is my love life. I'm good at handing over everything else, but when it comes to my love life, I seem to keep grabbing it back. Well, I should say I USED to. For a while now, I've pretty much stopped trying when it comes to stuff like that. Yes, I still go out with my friends, but not with the goal of meeting someone. I did the online thing, and stopped doing that. It's in HIS hands now, not mine. I don't want just any random guy. If I just wanted to be in a relationship, I think I could find someone to go out with, but I don't want to be in just any relationship...I want to be in the RIGHT relationship. The one God has planned for me, if that's in his plan (and for the record, I hope it is!).

This time last year, I was dating someone who I THOUGHT was the ONE...we talked about marriage, kids, and faith...everything seemed in alignment, but something was always off. I finally realized when our relationship ended that it just wasn't meant to be. The way he ended it, the way he handled it, it just wasn't right. (not to say that it was all his fault, because it certainly wasn't...i'm partly to blame as well). I gave my whole heart, but he held back, and in the relationship of my dreams (or of God's dreams for me) I don't think I'd have that nagging feeling that something was off. I kept trying to fix it, or fix me, and I (or anyone for that matter) shouldn't have to try to fix it...No relationship is perfect; they all require work, but, it shouldn't be just one person working to fix should be both. I know that now :-)

So here I am...handing it ALL over to God...I trust Him with my life.

Do you?